1.1 Corrections
226408Patient DiaryWebEvent driven eDiary at WebForms assigned to an Event driven eDiary configuration will now be visible at the Web.
1.1 Corrections226541User InterfaceiOSRole Security - Role permissions cannot be enabled/disabledRole permissions can now be updated using iOS.
1.1 Corrections226386
Standard ReportsWeb, iOS, AndroidAction Items Report - CorrectionsThe following corrections have been made to the Action Items Report:
1. The Data Manager role now sees Data Manager Reviews in the Action Items Report. (iOS)
2. The Missing records count will now reflect the count for the current site when the user opens the list. (Web, iOS, Android)
3. The Action Items report will now return data for Users who are only assigned to an Admin site. (Web)
4. Forms missing in Subject CRF based on the original record being deleted will now be counted as missing in the missing records detail. (Web)
 5. Site dropdown updated to All Provider Sites to accurately reflect filtered results. (Android)
1.1 Corrections226305User InterfaceiOSUnable to Delete User  Users are now able to delete Users in iOS with the correct permission.
1.1 Corrections225956Data Entry & CleaningWebCheck for Valid E-mail Address Format at Data Entry Email address check added to the web for correct e-mail address formatting.
1.1 Corrections225476User InterfaceWebUser Name Updates at Web not Updated in AppUser Name updates that are saved at the Web will now appear in the app.
1.1 Corrections225254Standard ReportsWebDashboard Report - Site FilterSite filters will no longer conflict with the filter that may be set at Action Items Report.
1.1 Corrections226813Trial ConfigurationWebForm Creation in Published VersionUsers will no longer be able to create a new form as part of a Published version.
1.1 Corrections225419Trial ConfigurationWebData Dictionary ExportsExports of data dictionary will no longer export Study and Site forms if "Please select the study version to include in the Export:" filter is not set to "Site/ Study Forms". Previously Site and Study forms were included in the Export when a Version was selected.
1.1 Corrections225463
Standard ReportsWebDashboard Report - ErrorsSubject and Site links at the Dashboard report will now direct you to the appropriate Site or Subject (based on selection).
1.1 Corrections226296Data Entry & CleaningWebReporting Label - Extract Data by FormColumn headers at Extract Data by Form will now either display the correct field name or reporting label based on the field properties.
1.1 Corrections227950Trial ConfigurationWebField Blinding Applied for ReportsEnforcement of Field Blinding has been applied to reports under Form Data Audit at the Web.
1.1 Corrections228026Standard ReportsiOS, AndroidDashboard Reports - All Provider Sites optionThe filter for all sites has been updated to “All Provider Sites”.
1.1 Corrections226325Trial ConfigurationAndroidHelp Button - Quick Help TextA Help button configured with quick help text will now display the help text rather than the button label.
1.1 Corrections226002
Data Entry & CleaningAndroidVideo and Audio fieldsUsers will now be able to perform data entry in video and audio fields on Android
1.1 Corrections225254Standard ReportsiOSDashboard Report - Site FilterThe 'All Provider Sites' option will now only display detail for Provider sites the User has access to view.
1.1 Corrections225837Standard ReportsiOSError at Version Difference ReportIssues that caused the Version difference report to produce an error when a new version of a form is created using a different OS than the original version, and issues around changes made to normalized tables have been resolved.
1.1 Corrections225496Standard ReportsiOSErrors at Action Items Report / Workflow ReviewThe following errors have been resolved on the Action Items Report at iOS:
• Review level items not displaying when the User Role did not also have the Coordinator action items permission
• App crash when bypassing review level with required signature
 • When performing record review on individual records, the screen gets stuck in processing
1.1 Corrections225355Trial ConfigurationiOSNew Cohort CreationWhen creating new visit cohort, the Relative to Interval variable will now copy to the newly created Cohort based on the 'Copy from Cohort' option selected. 
1.1 Corrections228180Standard ReportsiOS, AndroidStudy Version Difference Audit Report - Interval Difference TableThe Interval Difference table is being retired and should not longer be used.
1.1 Corrections227947Standard ReportsAndroidMonitor Report - Entry SelectionWhen an entry on the Monitor Report is selected on Android, the user will now be directed to the correct form based on the selected entry. 
1.1 Corrections225469Trial ConfigurationWebLabel at Normalized TableLabels are now displayed correctly when applied to a normalized table.
1.1 Corrections225792ExportsWebData Extraction - Export to SPSS SAVIn Data Extraction, when Include Admin Site Subject Records is checked, Export to SPSS SAV is now working.
1.1 Corrections225809Data Entry & CleaningiOS, AndroidFreeze / Unfreeze record at Audit Transaction TableWhen a Freeze or Unfreeze was applied in iOS or Android, the transaction diary did not have a record of the freeze or unfreeze event. This has been corrected.
1.1 Enhancements226893NotificationsiOS, AndroidNotification - New ‘Do not send notification’ checkbox at eDiaries ConfigThere is now a 'Do not send notification' checkbox that can turn notifications off even if ePRO Config is turned on. Only applies to Interval and Time types.
1.1 Enhancements226890Trial ConfigurationiOS, Android, WebNew Role Right - Prevent Resaving of CompletedA new Role Right under Informed Consent has been added: Prevent Resaving of Completed. This is designed for Subject users only, and allows user to save entries to Informed Consent form only once.
1.1 Enhancements226842Trial ConfigurationiOSStudy Form Builder - Visit Date is now Auto Assigned at SaveIf a Date field is available on the form, it shall automatically be assigned as the Visit Date on the form if one has not already been designated.
1.1 Enhancements226828Standard ReportsiOS, AndroidMy Queries Report - New Role Distribution filter option You are now able to filter by the Role Distribution assigned to the Query.
1.1 Enhancements227296Trial ConfigurationWebNew Permission - Grant Access to All Data ExtractionA new Grant Access to All Data Extraction permission has been added. When a role has Grant Access to All Data Extraction the user shall have access to the Extract All Study Data option at the Data Extraction menu for the study. Previously this was provided based on Admin role type, but is now tied to a permission.
1.1 Enhancements227300ExportsWebField Blinding is now applied to Data ExtractionExported data will now exclude or mask detail for fields that field blinding has been applied to for the User.
1.1 Enhancements227859Data Entry & CleaningWebCheck for Duplicate E-mail Address at Data Entry Email address check added to the web for verification that the address is not a duplicate in the same study.
1.1 Enhancements227776
Standard ReportsWebRegulatory Audit Reports Added to WebA new Form Data Audits report (also called Subject Record Transaction Audit) has been added to the Web, which includes results for all form transaction audits, and access to the following additional Audit reports:
• Subject Record Change Audit (previously only on app)
• Subject Record Transaction Audit (previously only on app)
 • Study Events Report (previously only on app)
1.1 Enhancements227309Trial ConfigurationWebSupport for multiple field types added to Web Support for the following have been added to the Form Builder at the Web and at Data Entry:
• Multi-Select
• Image Label
• Sketchpad
• Vertical Slider (slider can be configured at Web, but data entry using the slider is only on app)
 • Help Button (configuration option now available at Study Form Builder)
1.1 Enhancements227857Data Entry & CleaningWebSave and New Option for Log Forms A Save and New option has been added to log forms, to support faster data entry on repeating forms.
1.1 Enhancements228005LoginiOS, AndroidSite/User Manager - Search Filter AddedA quick search filter has been added to the top of the Available Users table.
1.1 Enhancements227950Standard ReportsiOSMonitor Report - Field BlindingThe Monitor report has been updated to blind data based on current user role field blinding permissions. 
1.1 Enhancements228044Standard ReportsiOSSite/User Audit report - Added E-mail addressThe results of the Site/User Audit report now include user E-mail address instead of first and last name.
1.1 Enhancements228052Trial ConfigurationiOSVersion Control - Migrating Sites/SubjectsA prompt to confirm will now appear when migrating sites/subjects to new version.
1.1 Enhancements228092Trial ConfigurationiOSVersion Override added to iOSThe option to utilize Version Override at the Study Form Builder has been added to iOS. It was previously only available on the Web.
1.1 Enhancements228077Standard ReportsiOSNew Report: Version Override AuditA new Regulatory Audit Report has been added to iOS: Version Override Audit. It will display changes made on each form saved in the form builder when the Version Override option is used.
1.1 Enhancements227961Trial ConfigurationWebUnscheduled Visit ConfigurationUsers can now change the table style setting and event name on published versions.
1.1 Enhancements225791
Standard ReportsWebUpdates to Report Builder at Web1. Related To & Days After and Current_Record_Status entries will no longer cause an error
2. Impact of Sequence Number assigned to Form - The first form in the dropdown listing will be the form which is assigned the lowest Sequence number.
3. Draft records will now appear in the report when configured to include Draft records.
 4. The Fields to Include in Report section will always include Report Label instead of the Field Name, even when 'Use Label as Header' is not checked for the built report.
1.1 Enhancements228134Standard ReportsWeb, iOS   Changes to the My Queries Report Changes to the My Queries Report user interface at the have been introduced, along with new filter options. Report has been updated to blind data based on current user role field blinding permissions. The layout has been improved for different screen sizes, and faster load time expected with the addition of infinite scrolling and removal of data limitations. This will also now export as background job so the user does not need to wait for the file to download. 
1.1 Enhancements228154Trial ConfigurationWeb, iOS, AndroidNew Permission - Prevent Editing Role DistributionA new Prevent Editing Role Distribution permission has been added. The ability to update/assign query distribution role when creating new manual queries will be prohibited when this permission is assigned.
1.1 Enhancements228158Trial ConfigurationWebNew Permission - Use Version Override on Published FormsA new Use Version Override on Published Forms permission has been added. Users will this role assigned will be able to apply version override to forms versions that are published.
1.1 Enhancements228017Trial ConfigurationiOSForm Manager - Filter and SortImproved filter and sort options have been added to the form manager.
1.1 Enhancements228157Trial ConfigurationWeb, iOS, AndroidNew Permission - Grant Access to query ManagementThe permission Grant Access to query Management was not previously in use, but users with this role will now be able to post a message to existing query, and users without this role will be unable to do so.
1.1 Enhancements228226Trial ConfigurationiOSNew Study Functionality: Allow ePRO Users Access to Unlocked FormsNew functionality will allow Patient users to access and make changes to saved and unlocked forms when enabled.
1.1 Enhancements228227Trial ConfigurationiOSNew Study Functionality: Display Subject TimelineNew functionality will provide access to the Participant Progress Report to all users in a Study when enabled. Report is not recommended for use at this time.
1.1 Enhancements228228Trial ConfigurationiOSNew Study Functionality: Default to Single Interval PageWhen enabled, the Scheduled Visits screen in the Subject Manager at iOS shall be displayed as Drop Down view as a default, and allow users to navigate between drop down and grid view (as it currently does). When disabled, the Subject Manager shall be displayed as a Grid View on iOS.
1.1 Enhancements228193Patient DiaryiOSNew My Completed Forms manager - Patient PortalAdded option to iOS patient portal which allows participants to access and update their past forms, based on the study configuration option 'Allow ePRO Users Access to Unlocked Forms'. 
1.1 Enhancements228217Standard ReportsiOSNew eDiary Report (iOS)This report will include an entry for each form saved by a Patient user at the Patient portal, and allow entries to be assigned to eDiary configurations.
1.1 Enhancements226001
Data Entry & CleaningAndroidAndroid Form fields update - Audio, Video, CameraNow when access to Camera, Photo & Storage is disabled on Android, the user receives a notice at log in rather than at the time of form entry. Also app no longer crashes when completing Audit/Video field entry.
1.1 Enhancements227687Trial ConfigurationiOSUpdates to the iOS Study Form Builder1. The Select/Radio Type field contain List Type dropdown options only as “Country List” and “Visit Interval”.
2. On Select/Radio Type fields only, changes from Radio to Select and vice versa will result in the current field being changed to the new field type.
 3. When the page selected for deletion contains fields, an alert will now fire indicating that page selected must have zero fields.
1.1 Enhancements228029Data Entry & CleaningiOS, AndroidLong press and hold at Subject Manager - AppOn the App, if the user touches and holds a row entry in the existing subjects table, a pop-up shall appear with a list of Longitudinal Subject Records for the selected subject.
1.1 Enhancements228039Standard ReportsWeb, iOS, AndroidMonitor Report - Updates to UIUpdates to the Monitor Report UI were introduced at Web, including new filter options. New filter options added to App reports.
1.1 Corrections226905Trial ConfigurationiOSAnnotated PDF at iOSAll fields will now be included in the Data Dictionary and Validation pages of the annotated PDF at the Study Form builder.
1.1 Enhancements226902Trial ConfigurationiOSStudy Form Builder - Update to Library Forms table orderThe Library Forms table is now ordered alphabetically.
1.1 Enhancements226816Data Entry & CleaningiOS, AndroidNew Filter added at Subject ManagerThe Subject Manager now contains a search option which filters on the Subject ID and any field designated as Show in Log in the Subject Registration form.
1.1 Enhancements226813Trial ConfigurationiOSStudy Form Builder - Cannot Create Form on Published VersionThe Study Form Builder now prevents the ability to create a new form on a Published version.
1.1 Enhancements226800Trial ConfigurationiOSDuplicate Subject ID Not AllowedThe system prevents the use of a duplicate Subject ID for active Subjects at the time of enrollment when manual entry is used.
1.1 Enhancements226791Data Entry & CleaningWebHelp Button appears in new browser on WebNow when a Help Button configured as URL or Display Consent PDF is accessed on the Web, the help contents will appear in a new browser window and not a pop-up (previous configuration).
1.1 Enhancements226785Document ManagementiOSSite Regulatory Documents at iOSSite Document Manger has now been added at iOS, listed as Site Regulatory Documents.
1.1 Enhancements226767Trial ConfigurationiOSStudy Form Builder - New Field Type: UploadA new Field Type, Upload, is now available at the iOS Study Form Builder.
1.1 Enhancements226766Trial ConfigurationiOSStudy Form Builder - New Field Type: Multi-SelectA new Field Type, Multi-Select, is now available at the iOS Study Form Builder.
1.1 Enhancements226636Standard ReportsWebUpdates to Action Item Report - WebWhen a user has access to the Exclude Missing Records permission, the user shall have visibility to the Exclude from Missed Visits button and Show Excluded Records checkbox at the Missing Scheduled Forms section.  The data table shall contain a Select column that displays a checkbox for each entry.  When the checkbox at the Select column is checked for an entry, and the Exclude from Missed Visits button is selected entry shall no longer appear in the data table. When the Show Excluded Records checkbox is checked, all missing records including those that have been excluded, shall be visible in the data table.
1.1 Enhancements226620Trial ConfigurationWeb, iOSNew Permission - Exclude Missing RecordsWhen a role has Exclude Missing Records the user shall have access to the Exclude from Missed Visit button under the missing forms section of the Action Item Report.
1.1 Enhancements226608Trial ConfigurationWeb, iOSNew Permission - Populate all Patients with Paper ConsentWhen a role has Populate all Patients with Paper Consent the user shall have access to execute the Populate Paper Informed Consent Checkbox Field function for the study.
1.1 Corrections226378User InterfaceiOSSite/User Manager - Page ScrollIn iOS, the Available Users table in the Add Users to Sites page doesn't scroll, thus limiting the Users that are available to use
1.1 Enhancements227812Standard ReportsWebData Management ReportThe Data Management Report is a site-specific report of all data-management activities at sites including a month to month break down of total pages entered, pages monitored, remaining unmonitored pages, patient visits/month for your intervals selected.