A necessary and first step to providing someone access to a study is to first provide them access to your host/account where all users are centrally managed across all studies within that host. If the user is new to Datatrak Direct, they will also receive their login credentials in this step.
1. On the web, open the User Manager
On the app:
The form to add a new user is found via the "add" icon or the Add New User form:
Fill in the fields. Verify the email address entered is correct.
The email address is used as Users ID and along with password allow entrance to host/studies.
Role selection is the user's account role - Not the study role. The user's site and the role are handled here in the study configuration.
Most users at the site level will have the role of 'No Access'.
Once a user is added to the list, it can be opened up with further options to include study access and sending login info.
Read here on how to add users to specific sites and assign study roles.
Read here on how to manage users once they've been added to the User Manager.