After the study roles have been configured, this template can be used to set permissions for common roles in clinical research.

Important Note: This template is merely a guide to assist in setting up common user permissions. Always be sure to review and test roles before moving a study live.

Study role permissions cannot be enabled or disabled on iOS

The user roles in this template are defined as follows:

  • Administrator - Responsible for the study build and overall control.
  • Data Manager - Responsible for study-wide data management after the study has been built and deployed to sites for data collection.

ApplicationPermissionsAdministratorData ManagerMonitorPrincipal InvestigatorData Coordinator
Access Study Related FormsGrant AccessXXXX
Action Item ReportGrant AccessXXXXX

Coordinator Action ItemsXXX

DDE Clerk Action Items

Review Action ItemsXXX

Global Provide Reason

Build Web pagesGrant AccessX

Dashboard ReportGrant AccessXXXXX

View Study StatusX

Change Study StatusX

Data ExtractionGrant AccessXX

Deleted RecordsGrant AccessXX

Undelete Records

Document ManagerGrant AccessXX

Delete Uploaded FilesXX

Double Data EntryGrant Access

Form BuilderGrant AccessX

Add New FormX

Select Existing FormX

Export To Form LibraryX

Import From Form LibraryX

Delete FormX

Save Changes to FormX

Import ManagerGrant AccessXX

My Queries ReportGrant AccessXXXXX
Pages Granted to All UsersGrant AccessXXXXX
Query ManagementGrant AccessXXXXX

Create QueryXXXXX

Close QueryXX

Delete QueryXX

Show All QueriesXX

Query Summary ReportGrant AccessXX

RandomizationGrant AccessXX

Report BuilderGrant AccessXXXXX

Create or Setup ReportXX

Delete ReportXX

Role SecurityGrant AccessX

Add New RoleX

Edit Existing RoleX

Delete Existing RoleX

Grant Rights to any Role
that have not been granted

Grant Form RightsX

Blind FieldsX

Site Document ManagerGrant AccessXXX

Setup Site DocumentsXX

Study ConfigurationGrant AccessX

Import Review FieldsX

Configure FunctionalityX

Configure Role SecurityX

Configure Site and UsersX

Configure WorkflowX

Configure QMSX

Configure Version ControlX

Configure MetricsX

Configure Audit SystemX

Configure Double Data EntryX

Subject Audit ReportGrant AccessXX

Subject Record ManagementGrant AccessXXXXX

Register New Subject


Edit Subject Registration


View Subject RegistrationXXXXX

Delete Entire SubjectX

Edit Subject Profile IDXX

Access Subject RecordsXXXXX

Add Subject Event RecordsX


View Subject Event RecordsXXXXX

Edit Subject Event RecordsX


Delete Subject FormXX

Delete DocumentX


Batch Lock/Sign Record**

Unlock RecordXX

Display Field Change AuditXXXXX

Display Subject Migration

Display Record DiaryXXXXX

Delete Table RowX


Display Review History TableXXXXX

Clear All non-provider DataX

Clear All Data

Show Study Build ProgressX

Freeze FormXXX

DDE Clerk

Allow Access to All SubjectsXX

Subject Record page DesignGrant AccessX

Text ManagementGrant Access

Add Text

Change Text

Delete Text

Theme ManagerGrant AccessX

Version ControlGrant AccessX

** Batch and lock permission should only be granted to users that have review levels

Also be sure to read about: