This article covers all of the permissions that can be defined for study roles.
After the study roles have been configured, this guide can be used to help you define each permission.
User roles vary for most studies. The table below displays all the permissions that can be configured. Each permission listed also contains a link to the help article where it applies.
Application | Permissions | Definition |
Datatrak Direct AI | Grant Access | Allows access to Datatrak Direct AI link for automatically importing PDF data into a study Location: Accessible through the Subject Manager, Link on right side of the page |
Study Documents | Grant Access | This right will grant access to the study documents page itself. Within that, a user's access is based on which study forms they have permissions to view/edit Menu location: Subject > Study Documents |
Prevent File Downloading | Prevents a user from having the ability to download files saved to upload fields at the Subject Manager. | |
Action Item Report | Grant Access | This right will grant access to the Action Item Report in the Reports menu. If the user has a role responsible for a review level in the study workflow, they will see a list of records ready to be reviewed. Reports > Action Item Report |
Coordinator Action Items | For any role with this right, there is a section titled Research Data Coordinator in the Action Item Report. This is a list of missing records at a site and records that have been flagged (data changed without a reason provided). Menu location: Reports > Action Item Report > Section titled Research Coordinator Action Items | |
DDE Clerk Action Items | Only needs to be granted to roles that serve as Double Data Entry users on a study that is set up as a DDE study. | |
Review Action Items | This displays the action items for every review level. Review levels are set up in the Workflow tab on the Study Configuration page. By default, each role will see its own action items that need review. However, if a particular role needs to be able to see the CRFs awaiting review at all review levels, this right must be selected. | |
Exclude Missing Records | Provides the user access to the Exclude from Missed Visit button under the missing forms section of the Action Item Report. | |
Global Provide Reason | User will have access to the bulk Resolve option at the Action Item Report, which allows for reason for data change to be applied to all open items with one action. | |
Adjudication | Grant Access | Allows access to form adjudication. Any role defined in the form builder as an adjudication level should have this permission. This function is only available on the Datatrak Direct app. |
Adjudication Report | Allows access to the adjudication report. Location: Datatrak Direct app, Reports menu | |
Moderator Report | Allows access to adjudication moderator report. Location: Datatrak Direct app, Reports menu | |
Configure Adjudication | Allows a Study Manager to assign users to events that need to be adjudicated. Location: Datatrak Direct app, Study menu | |
Build Web pages | Grant Access | This provides access to the Build Web Page application used to customize the page content. Note: To use the Build Web Page app, a custom theme must also be set up through the Theme Manager. Menu location: Website Host > Build Web Page |
Dashboard Report | Grant Access | This provides access to the Dashboard Report application, which displays items such as the number of queries, CFRs, adverse events, records awaiting review, etc. This report only displays data on the sites to which the user belongs to. A common study setup will allow all roles to have this right granted. Reports > Dashboard Report |
View Study Status | This right allows the user to view the study status section on the right side of the Study Configuration page. The user must also have the right to access Study Configuration. Viewing the study status is not necessary for most users. This is typically only a right given to an Administrator or similar role. Study > Study Configuration | |
Change Study Status | This right allows the user to change the study status in the study status section on the right side of the Study Configuration page. The user must also have the right to access Study Configuration, typically only given to an Administrator or similar role. Study > Study Configuration | |
Data Extraction | Grant Access | This right will give access to the Data Extraction menu and the application which corresponds to it. Menu location: Data Extraction |
Grant Access to All Data Extraction | Provides access to the Extract All Study Data option at the Data Extraction menu for the study. | |
Data Management Report | Grant Access | Allows access to the data management report Menu location: Reports > Data Management Report |
Deleted Records | Grant Access | Provides access to Deleted Records which displays all records that have been deleted in the study. This application will show deleted records across all sites in the study. Menu location: Subject > View Deleted Records |
Undelete Records | This function has been turned off until further notice. Selecting this right has no effect on the study. | |
File Repository | Grant Access | Provides access to the central File Repository which serves as a collection point for files/documents uploaded on CRFs or Site and Study documents. This application will list all documents uploaded throughout the study, regardless of the site. Study > File Repository Manager |
Delete Files | Allows the user to delete documents/files from the File Repository. | |
Double Data Entry | Grant Access | This provides access to the DDE Report used by a Double Data Entry Manager or similar role in studies designed to use multi-pass data entry. Studies not using DDE functionality do not need this right turned on. Reports > DDE Report |
Form Builder | Grant Access | This provides access to the Form Builder used to build the forms which will be used in the study. Study > Form Builder |
Add New Form | Allows the user access to create new forms on the Form Builder application. The right to save changes to forms (listed below as a separate right) is typically always granted along with this right. Otherwise, the user will be unable to save after creating a form. Study > Form Builder > 'Create New Form' link | |
Select Existing Form | Allows the user to select an existing form and view its attributes. The right to Save Changes to Form (listed below as a separate right) is typically granted with this right. Otherwise, the user can only view the form but not make changes. Study > Form Builder > 'Select' link in each row of the Existing Forms table | |
Export To Form Library | Allows the user to export a form into a form library. Form libraries are created under the Website Host menu, and make it possible to share forms between studies. Study > Form Builder > 'Export' link in each row of the Existing Forms table | |
Import From Form Library | Allows the user to access the form library and import a form into the existing forms table to be used in the study. Form libraries are created under the Website Host menu, and make it possible to share forms between studies. Study > Form Builder > 'Import Form' link below the Existing Forms table | |
Delete Form | Allows the user to delete individual forms from the Existing Forms table. Study > Form Builder > 'Delete' link in each row of the Existing Forms table | |
Save Changes to Form | Allows the user to see the 'Save' button at the top right of the form builder workspace. This is necessary for a user to create new forms or edit existing forms. Menu location: Study > Form Builder > 'Save' button on top of the form builder workspace | |
Use Version Override on Published Forms | Provides access to the Version override option at the Study Form Builder and access to the Version Override Audit report. | |
Import Manager | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the applications used to import external study data into Datatrak Direct. Menu location: Study > Import Configuration / Run Import |
Informed Consent | Grant Access | Provides access to the Informed Consent configuration Study Configuration > Informed Consent |
Configure Informed Consent | Allows the user to set up the informed consent configuration Study Configuration > Informed Consent | |
Revoke Consent | Provides the user access to revoke consent at the form level when a consent form is open. Note, revoking consent can separately be accomplished from the consent report regardless of this permission. | |
Run Consent Report | Provides the user access to the consent report for tracking subject consent status/history across all sites Reports > Consent Report | |
Populate all Patients with Paper Consent | Provides the user access to execute the Populate Paper Informed Consent Checkbox Field function for the study. | |
Prevent Resaving of Completed | This is designed for Subject users only and allows users to save entries to the Informed Consent form only once. | |
Inventory Administration | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the page 'Import Inventory' where inventories can be uploaded and deleted. Menu Location: Study > Import Inventory |
Inventory Management | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the page 'Inventory Management' where inventory items can be managed. See the following permissions for more specific role security. Menu Location: Subject > Inventory Management |
Rollback/Undo Item transaction | Allows a user to undo the last event that occurred on an item. Normally utilized manually only by an Administrator user, and only available from the Datatrak Direct mobile app. Location: Datatrak Direct app, Inventory Manager, tap on an item to view its history and undo the last transaction that occurred. | |
Allocate Inventory to Sites | Allows a user to manually release inventory items to sites Location: Inventory Manager | |
Receive Inventory at Sites | Allows a user to accept inventory items at the site in order to make the items available for allocation to subjects at that site. Location: Inventory Manager | |
Assign Inventory to Subjects | Allows a user to assign inventory items to subjects within the CRF where an inventory item is selected. Location: Subject Records | |
View Non-allocated Items | Allows a user to view all items in the inventory for any site(s) they belong to, plus all un-allocated items not yet assigned to a site or subject. Location: Inventory Manager | |
Always Blind Types | Blinds all details of the inventory items except for the item identifier. These details are defined by the Administrator when setting up an Inventory. For inventories that are tied to a blinded randomization, this will prevent un-blinding. Location: Inventory Manager | |
Lab Range Manager | Grant Access | Allows access to the Lab Range Management application used to set up the various lab range validations associated with various sites across a study. Menu Location: Study > Lab Range Manager |
Add New Lab | Allows a user to add new labs to the Host account Menu Location: Study > Lab Range Manager | |
Edit Existing Lab | Allows a user to edit existing lab configurations, mapping, and importing Menu Location: Study > Lab Range Manager | |
Delete Existing Lab | Allows a user to delete labs from the list Menu Location: Study > Lab Range Manager | |
Medical Coding | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the Medical Coding page. Menu Location: Subject > Medical Coding |
Add New Configuration | Allows User to create new coding configurations for other data sources Menu Location: Subject > Medical Coding > "Add New Configuration" form | |
Edit Existing Configuration | Allows user to edit coding configurations Menu Location: Subject > Medical Coding > "Edit" column | |
Delete Existing Configuration | Allows users to delete coding configurations/projects Menu Location: Subject > Medical Coding > Delete icon | |
Access Coding Tool | Allows users to open coding projects from the Projects page in csCoder and perform coding Menu Location: Subject > Medical Coding > "Code This" column | |
Mobile Uploads | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the Mobile Uploads page. This is only necessary for users who want to use the app to set up randomization or medical coding, but need a way to upload files to continue setting up on the app. Menu Location: Website Host >Mobile Uploads |
Upload Randomization File | Allows the user to see an upload field for randomization on the mobile uploads page Menu Location: Website Host >Mobile Uploads | |
Upload Medical Coding File | Allows the user to see an upload field for medical coding on the mobile uploads page Menu Location: Website Host >Mobile Uploads | |
Monitor Report | Grant Access | Provides access to the Monitor Report and the Field Locking Report, which are used to display fields that have been reviewed/locked, fields that have been unlocked, or records in the midst of being monitored using the soft review function. Menu location: Reports > Monitor Report, FLSV Report |
My Queries Report | Grant Access | Allows the user to access My Queries Report, which displays the queries applicable to their role. Menu location: Reports > My Queries Report |
Pages Granted to All Users | Grant Access | Gives users access to pages that are common and non-impactful to study access or data. These include the following screens: • Contact Us • Version Information • Change password • Home page • System error pages |
Payment Configuration | Grant Access | Allows the user to access payment configurations for setting up the payment tracking system Menu location: Study > Configure Payments |
Payment Manager | Grant Access | Allows the user to access payment configurations for setting up the payment tracking system Menu location: Study > Payment Manager |
Query Management | Grant Access | The query management system has been enhanced so queries are deployed to selected roles. Those roles will receive the queries in their My Queries Report and on the corresponding CRF without this right having been granted. However, all other query management rights will affect what users are able to do within the query system. If the Grant Access to Query Management permission is assigned to a role with no other permissions under Query Management, the user shall only have the ability to access and add comments to existing queries. |
Create Query | Allows the user to create queries on each field of a CRF or the entire record. Query icons will appear next to each field in a CRF for users with this right. | |
Close Query | Allows the user to close queries so they are no longer open/active. | |
Delete Query | Allows users to delete queries from within the query window, accessible from either My Queries Report or the CRF the query is part of. A query can be deleted by users with this right, whether the query is open or closed. | |
Show All Queries | This allows the user to see ALL queries in the study, rather than only the queries deployed to their role. Reports > My Queries Report | |
Unlock Field (FLSV ) | This right allows the user to unlock fields that may have previously locked by a Monitor (or other designated review level). | |
Prevent Editing Role Distribution | Prevents the user role from changing the role distribution when a manual query is created. | |
Query Summary Report | Grant Access | Allows access to the Query Summary Report which provides an overview of query counts per site. Menu location: Reports > Query Summary Report |
Randomization Configuration | Grant Access | Allows access to the Randomization pages used for setting up the randomization schedule/allocations. There are two pages that correspond to this right: Study > Define randomization Study > Import randomization file |
Randomization View | Grant Access | Allows access to view the randomization schedule and allocations made within the study. Menu location: Subject > View randomization allocations |
Unallocate Subject | Ability to see a link for unallocated subjects in the randomization table. Menu location: Subject > View randomization allocations | |
Report Builder | Grant Access | Allows access to the Report Builder application used to create/view custom reports on the study data. When reports are set up, the roles they are visible to are selected by the user who created the report. Therefore, users can have access to the Report Builder, but will only be able to view reports that were made available to them. Reports > Report Builder |
Create or Setup Report | Allows users to create reports in the Report Builder. Menu location: Reports > Report Builder | |
Delete Report | Allows users to Delete existing reports in the Ad-Hoc Reports table. Reports > Report Builder > 'Delete' link in each row of the Reports table | |
Background Exports | Grant Access to Background Export Jobs | Provides access to the Background Exports Report used for background processing of specific reports throughout the system that may take some time to run while the user continues working in the system. Reports > Background Exports |
Risk-Based Monitoring | Grant Access | Allows access to RBM setup. Note, this is not needed by Monitors |
Configure RBM | Allows the ability to define rules for what gets Monitored. Location: This function is only available on the Datatrak Direct app. If your role has it, you will see an RBM icon at the top of all subject CRFs. | |
Role Security | Grant Access | This right has been disabled. To provide users the right to access Role Security, check the Study Configuration settings listed below. Once a user is provided rights to access Role Security, the other rights in this section will be able to allow access to specified rights within Role Security. |
Add New Role | Allows users to add new roles to the Add/Edit Roles section of Role Security. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab > Add or Edit Roles section | |
Edit Existing Role | Allows users to Edit existing study roles in the Add/Edit Roles section of Role Security. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab > Add or Edit Roles section | |
Delete Existing Role | Allows users to delete existing study roles in the Add/Edit Roles section of Role Security. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab > Add or Edit Roles section | |
Grant Rights to any Role that have not been granted | ||
Grant Form Rights | Allows users to set the role rights on each form in the study. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab > 'Form Rights' link at the top of the rights section | |
Blind Fields | Allows users to blind roles to specific fields on each form. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab > 'Blind Form Fields by Role' link above the rights section | |
Site by user report | Grant access | Allows access to the site by user report for listings of all users, which sites they belong to, and the roles they serve at each. Reports > Site by user |
Site Document Manager | Grant Access | Gives users access to the Site Document Manager application where they can then access any site-type forms created in the Form Builder. They will only see the site forms for sites to which they belong to. Study > Site Document Manager |
Setup Site Documents | Allows users to make changes to the site document study requirements. Menu location: Study > Site Document Manager > 'Subject Enrollment Rules' and 'Approved to Enroll' settings | |
Lab Normal Ranges | Allows users to associate lab sites with study sites, which can then be selected by data entry personnel on a lab form for range validation purposes. | |
Delete Site Documents | When a role has Delete Site Documents the user will have access to delete Site documents and delete rows within a normalized table within a Site form. | |
Study Configuration | Grant Access | Allows the user to access the Study Configuration page and the Device Manager list. The other Study Configuration rights below will allow more granular control over specific controls within the study configuration. Study > Study Configuration |
Import Review Fields | Allows a user to Administratively define risk-based monitoring for a study. This is accomplished through the web API only. | |
Configure Functionality | Allows access to the Study Functionality tab on the Study Configuration page. This is used to turn on/off general study attributes. Study > Study Configuration > 'Functionality' tab | |
Configure Role Security | Allows access to the Role Security tab on the Study Configuration page, which will in turn allow users to alter Role Security for existing roles. Study > Study Configuration > 'Role Security' tab | |
Configure Site and Users | Allows access to the Sites and Users tab on the Study Configuration page. This is used to manage the sites and users in the study. Study > Study Configuration > 'Sites and Users' tab | |
Configure Workflow | Allows access to the Workflow tab on the Study Configuration page. This is used to set up the review levels on CRFs, and to define forms being used in the study. Study > Study Configuration > 'Workflow' tab | |
Configure QMS | Allows access to the Query tab on the Study Configuration page. This is where the query management system is configured. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Query' tab | |
Configure Version Control | Allows access to the 'Version' tab on Study Configuration. This allows a user to create and edit study versions, publish, and view the differences between versions. Note this tab will only appear if 'Enforce Version Control' is turned on in the study functionality. Also note this right is independent of the Version Control right. Study > Study Configuration > 'Version' tab | |
Configure Metrics | Allows access to the Metrics tab on the Study Configuration page. This is where basic study objectives (number of sites and subjects) are defined - which are then viewed by users in the Dashboard Report. | |
Configure Audit System | Allows access to the Audit tab on the Study Configuration page. This is used to set up the requirements for how T should audit the study data. | |
Configure Double Data Entry | Allows access to the DDE tab on the Study Configuration page. This is where a study is set up to use double data entry functionality, and where the sites using DDE will be selected. Study > Study Configuration > 'DDE' tab | |
Study Event Report | Grant Access | Allows access to the Study Events Report. Menu Location: Reports |
Study Progress Report | Grant Access | Allows access to the study progress report for downloading. Menu location: Reports > Study Progress Report |
Subject Audit Report | Grant Access | Allows users access to the Subject Audit Report, which displays all audit information on data for the entire study. Important note prior to allowing access - Users with this right will see subject data for ALL sites in the study. It is designed to be an Admin-level report. Reports > Subject Audit Report |
Subject Record Management | Grant Access | Allows access to the Subject Manager where subject records are accessed. Rights within the Subject Manager can be further broken down in the following rights of this section. This right will typically be allowed for all roles, as the subject manager is the primary application used in studies. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager |
Register New Subject | Allows users to register/enroll subjects in the sites they belong to. This will also allow users to fill out the enrollment form for newly registered subjects, regardless of those users' rights to view/edit subject registration. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Enroll New Subject' button below the Subject Enrollment table | |
Edit Subject Registration | Allows users to edit the subject enrollment form created when each subject is registered. Subject > Subject Manager > 'Status' icon in each row of the Subject Enrollment table | |
View Subject Registration | Allows users to view the subject enrollment form after it has been created for each subject. Note: A user may have the right to enroll subjects and initially fill out the enrollment form, but without this right, they cannot subsequently open that enrollment form to view. Subject > Subject Manager > 'Status' icon in each row of the Subject Enrollment table | |
Delete Entire Subject | Allows users to Delete subjects from the Subject Enrollment table. Deleting a subject will delete all records attached to that subject. Subject > Subject Manager > 'Delete' link in each row of the Subject Enrollment table | |
Edit Subject Profile ID | Allows users to access an 'Edit' link on the Subject Enrollment table. This then allows them to edit the Subject Profile ID in the 'Subject' column of the Subject Enrollment table. Note: Editing a subject profile ID will not be included in the audit data unless the Audit settings in Study Configuration are set to require a reason for change on data changes. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Edit' link in each row of the Subject Enrollment table | |
Only edit subject portion of ID | When users have the right to edit a subject ID (item listed above), they can also be granted or denied the ability to change the site prefix portion of the ID number when applicable. Checking this permission will prevent the user from editing the site prefix. | |
Access Subject Records | Allows users to select the subject profile ID link in the Subject enrollment table and access the subject record page where all the records for that particular subject are accessed. Without this right, the subject profile ID will simply not appear as a clickable link. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Subject' profile ID link in the first column of the Subject Enrollment table | |
Add Subject Event Records | Allows users to fill out subject event records that are available on the subject records page. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Subject' profile ID link in the first column of the Subject Enrollment table > Any of the icons displaying the plus symbol in the visits/events table will allow the user to add those records. | |
View Subject Event Records | Allows users to open and view records from the subject records page. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Subject' profile ID link in the first column of the Subject Enrollment table > Select any icon in the visits/events table to view the records | |
Edit Subject Event Records | Allows users to open and make changes to records on the subject records page. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Subject' profile ID link in the first column of the Subject Enrollment table > Select any icon on the visits/events table to view/edit the records | |
Delete Subject Form | Allows users to Delete subject records from the Ordered List of all Subject Records at the bottom of the subject record page. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager > 'Subject' profile ID link in each row of the Subject Enrollment table > Longitudinal Subject Record View at the bottom of the subject record page > 'Delete' link in each row of the ordered records table | |
Delete Document | Allows users to delete uploaded documents/files from upload fields within records. | |
Batch Lock/Sign Record*** | Allows a user who is responsible for reviewing records to batch lock and sign off on records. This right will display a link in the Action Item Report below the table of forms awaiting review. Menu location: Reports > Action Item Report > 'Sign and Lock All/Selected Forms' link below the review table | |
Unlock Record | Records are automatically locked after they have been reviewed. This right allows users to unlock records that have been locked. Users who are part of the workflow and are responsible for locking the records in the first place will inherently have the ability to unlock records. This permission does not apply to those users. Note: This is unrelated to the 'Freeze Form' right listed below. | |
Display Field Change Audit | Allows the user to see an audit table at the bottom of each record. This audit table will display the field change history of that particular record. This information is also displayed in the audit report, regardless of this right. Important note: The field change audit will not display at the bottom of each record unless the Audit settings in Study Configuration require a reason for change on data changes. Remember, audit data can always be accessed in the Audit Report by those with rights to it. | |
Display Subject Migration Diary | Displays a table at the bottom of each subject record which provides information on the migration history of a subject between study versions. For example, if a subject is enrolled in the study during version one of the study, a change is made to the protocol, version 2 of the study is created, and the subject is migrated to version 2, that change will be audited and appear in the migration diary. | |
Display Record Diary | Allows users to see the Form Transaction Diary table at the bottom of each record, which displays the history of saving that has been performed. This is also displayed in the Audit Report. | |
Delete Table Row | Allows users to delete rows from a table that exists on a form. Forms can be designed with tables where information can be continually logged (this is different than a log form). This right lets a user delete individual rows from those tables. | |
Display Review History Table | This allows users to see a review history table at the top of records that have undergone review by a reviewing role in the study. | |
Wipe Subject | Allows for completely wiping a subject from the database. This includes being cleared from ePRO and randomization tables. This is not reversible and should be permission granted with caution. This permission must be granted in conjunction with the Delete Subject permission. Function location: Only available in the Datatrak Direct app via the Study Configuration menu. | |
Clear All non-provider Data | This function has been disabled, so this right will have no effect on the study. To reset Administrative site data, it will need to be manually deleted. | |
Clear All Data | This allows users to remove all data from the study via a link on the Study Configuration page. It is recommended that this right remain turned off to ALL users. If an Administrative level user needs to clear the study data, they can temporarily enable the right to themselves, delete the data, and then disable the right again. Menu location: Study > Study Configuration > 'Remove All Data' link on right side of the page | |
Show Study Build Progress | This causes a 'Progress' link to be displayed on the upper right header of every page. Selecting the link opens a study progress window which can be used to check off Study build progress. This is not necessary for most data entry users. | |
Freeze Form | This allows users to freeze records. A 'Freeze Form' link will be displayed at the top of every record. The right to freeze will also give users the right to Unfreeze records. Freezing a form simply prevents other users from making any changes to the record in any way. Once the form is unfrozen, changes can be made again. Note: Freezing a form is a temporary action that can be taken at any point. This is different than a form that is 'Locked' after being reviewed. | |
DDE Clerk | This allows a user to access Double Data Entry forms and serve as a DDE user. DDE forms are defined in the Form Builder and can only be used with studies set up to use DDE functionality. | |
Manage Handoff Mode | This allows the user to access a button at the top of ePRO forms within the Datatrak Direct app. The button is used prior to handing off a device to a study subject for them to fill out a form. When handoff mode is enabled, it prevents the subject from leaving the form. Normally only Coordinators and Investigators would need this permission if ePRO is part of the study. Function location: Icon displays at the top of ePRO forms when being accessed in the Datatrak Direct app | |
Switch Cohorts | This allows users to switch subjects from one study cohort to another. Location: Subject > Subject Manager | |
Allow Access to All Subjects | This allows users to access all subjects, in the Subject Manager, for all sites in the study. Without this right, users only see subjects for the site(s) they belong to. Most studies will only provide this right to Administrators or Data Managers. Menu location: Subject > Subject Manager | |
Hide Longitudinal List of Records | This hides the longitudinal record view on the subjects records page. The purpose is if a user role needs to be blinded completely to the existence of forms being entered in the study by others. This is one step further than simply removing Viewing permissions. It also makes it so the role cannot see the list of what has been entered on a subject. Location: Subject Records, the bottom of page | |
Subject Record page Design | Grant Access | This allows users to access and edit the following:
Menu location: Study > Create or Edit Scheduled/Unscheduled Visits |
Text Management | Grant Access | This allows access to the Translate Database Text application, which is used to change the text throughout the pages which will then be seen by the study users. Text can be changed for things like role names, menu option nomenclature, and page descriptions. This right is most commonly used by Administrator-level users to make translations for text in the system which may be unclear to study users. Menu location: Study > Translate DB Text |
Add Text | ||
Change Text | ||
Delete Text | ||
Notification Management | Access Participant Notifications | This allows access to Participant Notifications. The user shall have access to the Participant Notifications screen on the Web. |
Theme Manager | Grant Access | This allows users to access the Theme Manager application for customizing the look of the pages that users will see. Menu location: Study > Theme Manager |
User Plot | Grant Access | Datatrak Direct mobile only: Allows access to the User Plotting map for seeing users who have logged into the study. Menu location: Study Configuration |
Version Control | Grant Access | This allows users to access the Version Manager application used to move sites and subject between study versions. Menu location: Study > Version Manager |
*** Batch and lock permission should only be granted to users that have review levels
Also be sure to read about:
- Adding users to your account and studies
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