Tool Name: Help Buttons
Tool Description:
Currently only supported on the mobile app, you can use help buttons to embed larger documents, link to websites, or display bodies of text. They are useful to keep a form simplified and focused on the data entry, rather than putting large amounts of text directly onto the form.
Tool Use:
Several properties can be adjusted and set for help buttons, the key items being the text that shows to the user and what opens up when a user taps it.
The applicable properties for a help button are as follows.
- Header - The text that displays on the help button
- Display Consent PDF - Enabling this will map the button to the consent PDF defined within the Informed consent configuration settings. Please Note: This setting will also override the following two settings:
- Webpage URL - Displays specific webpage for the user when they select the button. Read how to create custom webpages within the system. Note, custom pages will be publicly accessible for anyone with the URL.
- Quick Help Text - Opens a window with help text for the user to read when they select the button.
For more information on the available Field Types, please visit the Field Types Knowledge base article.
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