Table of Contents
Tool Name: Memo
Tool Description:
The Memo Field allows for the storage of large amounts of alphanumeric information. Some typical uses for this data type would be notes, comments, or descriptions.
The Memo Properties enable the Form Designer to define how the memo field will be configured to capture the desired information. When a Memo form field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Memo Properties appear in the Toolbox as shown in the figure below.
Tool Use:
Data Section
The Field Name and Reporting Label properties available in the Data section for a Memo field are the same as those for a Text field.
Field Name: The Field Name Property allows the Form Designer to define the Field Name stored in the database. All Field Names are capitalized by default. If a Field Name is typed in lower case, the text will automatically convert to upper case after the cursor is moved from the field. To define a Field Name, click in the text box next to Field Name, type in the desired name for the field, and press the Tab or Enter key.
Reporting Label: The Reporting Label Property allows the Form Designer to designate an abbreviated name for reporting and exporting data.
General Section
Type: Fields that are similar in design can be changed to other field types. Using the Type dropdown, a “Memo” field can be changed to a “Text” field type using the Type dropdown as shown in the figure below.
Text: selecting Text allows any combination of text, numeral, and symbols to be entered into the field (for specific information about creating a Text Form Field, see the Text Properties section above)
Memo – selecting Memo allows for the entry of large amounts of alphanumeric information into the field and allows for scrolling.
Maximum Length: The Maximum Length property allows the Form Designer to set the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. The system default is 3,000 characters. To set a different limit up to 10,000 characters, enter a value in the Maximum Length property.
ToolTip: The ToolTip field is an optional property that can be used at the field level to provide a “Tip” or “Help Message” explaining how to complete the field or provide a reason or explanation for the field. Clicking on the View/Edit link will display the Tooltip window. Using the Tooltip window, the Form Designer can type in the desired message which will be presented to the user completing the form when hovering over the field.
For more information on the available Field Types, please visit the Field Types Knowledge base article.
Show in Log: You cannot use the Show in Log property with Memo Fields.
Validations Section
Validations allow the Form Designer to define conditions that a field(s) value must meet (or not meet).
Required: Selecting the Required checkbox indicates the field must be completed when the user fills out the form. If the field is not completed, an error message will be displayed when the form is saved, indicating, “This field is required.”
Conditional Actions - View/Edit: Selecting the View/Edit link brings up the Conditional Actions dialog box and allows the Form Designer to create simple to complex edit checks (validations) for fields (and forms). You can use the Conditional Actions dialog box to:
- Disable or hide fields (or forms) based on some criteria.
- Produce edit checks (validations).
- Display a popup message.
- Compute a value.
- Populate a field with a value based on some criteria and/or send an email notification.
Each field can contain multiple conditional actions. The number that precedes the View/Edit link indicates the number of dependent actions present on the field (or form). Please refer to the library of Conditional Actions help documents for complete instructions.
Layout Section
The Layout Properties allow the Form Designer to designate the Form Builder's size and the location where the Memo Field will be placed. The Layout properties will enable the Form Designer to align various fields in a form, so they are uniform and the appropriate size when the form is rendered. In many cases, the default size is sufficient. However, the Memo Field size can change how the form is viewed, and data is entered. Below are examples of Memo Field sizes and how the Layout tools relate to them.
Left (pixels): This property allows the Form Designer to designate where the Memo Field box's left edge will be located.
Two Memo fields have been added to the Form Builder body/grid, as shown in the figure below. In the Memo Properties – Layout Section, the Left (pixels) for each Memo Field were set to the same value, so the Memo boxes line up (indicated by the blue line).
Top (pixels): This field allows the Form Designer to designate where the Memo Field box's top edge will be located. This allows the Form Designer to align the top portion of the Memo with a Label or another field.
Width: This field allows the Form Designer to designate the width of the Memo Field. The width of the field can be expressed in pixels or a percentage using the dropdown control.
Pixels: This dropdown choice allows the Form Designer to designate the Memo Field width by the number of pixels.
Percent: This dropdown choice allows the Form Designer to designate the Memo Field width as a percentage of the total Form Layout width. For example: If the form's width in the Form Page Properties is designated as 600 pixels and a Memo Field width of 50 percent is designated, the Memo Field width will be 300 pixels wide.
Height: This field allows the Form Designer to designate the height of the Memo Field. The height of the field can be expressed in pixels or a percentage using the dropdown control.
Pixels: This dropdown choice allows the Form Designer to designate the height of the Memo Field in pixels. The figure below shows two examples of a Memo Field with heights designated in pixels. For Memo Box 1, the height was designated as 50 pixels. For Memo Box 2, the height was designated as 100 pixels.
Percent: This dropdown choice allows the Form Designer to designate the Height of the Memo Field as a percentage of the total Form Height. For example: If the height of the form in the Form Properties is 600 pixels and a Memo Field Height of 50 percent is designated, the Memo Field height would be 300 pixels tall. The figure below shows a Memo Field where the Form Height was designated as 200 pixels and the Memo Field Height was designated as 50 percent. Therefore, the Memo box is 100 pixels in height (50% of 200).
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